Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Murphy diaries

Today, mummy and Ellie woke up, and I went and attacked their toes sticking out of the fluffy cloud cover they call a 'duvet!'
Ellie went and had some little precious puffs in milk, and some toasted velvet slices! Her and mummy went out of the door so that means that I can go to explore in the juicy jungle grass plants!!! When mummy and Ellie were about to leave, Ellie gave me a cuddle, but I had to spring delicately, yet quickly out of her arms because a colossal, robot that makes growly noises that mummy can controls, went past! Mummy was out for a while so I jumped around gracefully and glanced at my old friend Mia. I think I upset her because I used to really annoy her by bopping her on her nose! Its not my fault! She kept trying to boss me about! Now she doesn't come in my jungle, she stays in her jungle! 😺🌾☀ When mummy finally came back, mummy gave me my sloppy slop food that is yummy/yucky at the same time!!! After a full delicious meal, I felt like lying in a warm spot. I found on just about in the middle of the precious cloud duvet and started washing slowly but carefully on my paws, face and tail. I found my eyes slowly closing, closing slowly...
BANG! Ellie, Joe and mummy were back!!! I gave them a positive little nuzzle and started getting very excited because I had my gloppy slop !( I know it doesn't sound nice but I was very hungry!) So here I am now typing on Eleanor's ipod! Ooh here she comes now! I better go or i'll be in trouble! Byeee xxx

By Eleanor Burns

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