Saturday, 9 March 2013

Maggie diaries

I've had a very good week so far...
This morning mummy and Freya gave me some of their leftover porridge! Yum yum.
I was a bit hyper and then Georgia and Freya went out to school. I was left in my cage but I like it now! I sit behind the door of the cage waiting to go in like a good girl!
When everybody came back, Georgia did a few tricks with me then we played... Georgia made up this game called rollies!
She rolls the ball through the coffee table and I catch it the other side and bring round to her!
Mummy played with me next and we played the game that she made up called upstairs and downstairs! I stand at the top of the stairs and mummy throws the ball to me, I have to catch it and roll it back with my nose!!!
After all of this playing, I fell asleep. When I woke up mummy,Freya and Georgia took me for a walk at mill lane. I met a doggie friend called Ollie, he doesn't need a lead to go anywhere even crossing the roads! I have it to get there and then mummy takes it off and I'm free!
I have din dins and then go to bed.

Today was a brilliant day! Byeeeeeee x

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