Sunday, 10 February 2013


I feel really sad because I asked Daniel out and he said NO and he did not speak to me after that so do not say any thing at school about it please comment


  1. Katie that just happends in life! It's only a boy, there is plenty more :)

  2. I feel reallly sorry for you but boys are just like tha. I hope he maight change his mind. I am from Penn wood school and my ne is klaudia

  3. forget about it you deserve much better

  4. Katie,I think you need to find a boy who likes you back. Being honst,you should feel sorry for him because he may like another girl and you could be making it hard. I suggest you wait. Give it a while and he'll soon come round. Im from another school by the way.

  5. There's plenty more fish in the see dont worry bout it you sould be ok- this stuff happens all the time in england.

  6. Anyway....we don't need boys so don't get upset xx

  7. Aw that's so sad we don't even need boys. Go find another boy. You will find another. What does xx mean? So and talk to him and say why will you not talk to me. Feel better and seal your heart.

  8. I admire your bravery for trying, but lesson learned if a boy really likes you he will chase after you, the girls just gotta play it cool

  9. I am sorry for you and Jillian I think xx means hug hug? Does It?

  10. I am really sorry Daniel said no but there is a lot of more boys out there so Im sure you will find someone better.

  11. I feel bad for you and just ignore him

  12. Why would Daniel say no to you? I am very sorry Daniel said no to you. That is his loss. maybe next year Daniel will go to the dance with you. I hope you fell better! :)

  13. Aww. I feel so bad for you. Just hang in there. It might not mean anything, maybe he is just not ready to date yet. i'm sure you will find someone else.

  14. I'm so sorry about that. Honestly its his loss, I'm sure you're awesome and he is going to miss out.

  15. Just ignore him. There are lots more boys out there and one day you will find the perfect one. x

    Emily Payne
