To leave a comment click on comments and select your profile from the dropdown box. No url is needed, just a name. We love to read your thoughts.
Thursday, 28 February 2013
This is the video Eleanor and Toby was talking about it is so funny, you must watch the old man in the yellow and black t shirt he has a weird laugh.
If you find this funny comment
I made a shoe out of paper and it took forever, I had to decorate it and it was very fiddley to do...but in the end I managed to fit it in place and this is my finishing design...
*remember to keep blogging !
*remember to keep blogging !
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
Maggie diaries
Today i was left in my cage :(
I came home to a sausage roll and training ... I also sat on Georgia's bed watching her talk to her friends- I think she called it kik. Now I'm bored...
Today i was left in my cage :(
I came home to a sausage roll and training ... I also sat on Georgia's bed watching her talk to her friends- I think she called it kik. Now I'm bored...
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
I am watching a program called amazing wedding cakes. One of the costumers wanted a orange cake, then 2 days before the delivery they wanted a different colour. It was also a 4 tier cake, they had iced 2 of the tiers orange so they had to start them 2 tiers all over again.
How annoyed would you be if that happened to you if you were a wedding cake maker.
would you change your wedding cake at the last minuet
How nice is this cake comment if you like it or if you would have it. Yummy
Monday, 25 February 2013
Yesterday at Burgh Hall with Grace my Mum and Grace's family. Grace and I went into the play area and this girl started to chase us. So Grace and I were running all around the play area. I fell over and she started to punch kick and slap me. I was drinking my coke and she came over to me and punch me 4 time and slapped me 2.
Why do you think she would do such a thing comment if you think you.
Washing Machine!!!
My mum is excited because our new washing machine has arrived. It may be a bit weird but she said - and I quote - ' I'm excited because it matches the tumble dryer!' The men who delivered it smelt weird so I went upstairs and watched tv in my room until they left.
That's the new washing machine on the left... Can you see the resemblance between the tumble dryer and the washing machine?
That's the new washing machine on the left... Can you see the resemblance between the tumble dryer and the washing machine?
Hi guys, as you may have heard me say in class that i moved into my new room last night! Well here is a sneak peek of my room!
I really love it because I have a white and purple chandelier! We have also got a new corner sofa, which is massive!
I tidied my room last night and cleared all of my drawers out! Now my room is lovely and clean. So if you come round, please can you keep it tidy. Hehe xx
I have just made some reminders to remind me what draw contains what.
Thx for reading guys, bye xxxxx
I really love it because I have a white and purple chandelier! We have also got a new corner sofa, which is massive!
I tidied my room last night and cleared all of my drawers out! Now my room is lovely and clean. So if you come round, please can you keep it tidy. Hehe xx
I have just made some reminders to remind me what draw contains what.
Thx for reading guys, bye xxxxx
Maggie diaries
Today mummy is taking me to doggie school where I can meet my doggie friends,Tilly and Sky!
Georgia is training me and I've learnt new tricks! I copied Georgia on the sofa too!
Georgia is training me and I've learnt new tricks! I copied Georgia on the sofa too!
locked in
I was watching Horrid Henry in my room I shouted down stairs and said can I have a tea please so back in my room I went and and shut the door. Rhiannon was face timing me and and my dad was shouting and saying some one is ringing you.After that I tried to open my door but I thought Jake(my brother ) was holding on the handle .Mum shouted up the stairs and said your cup of tea is ready but I could not open my door .So I screamed and shout MY DOOR IS LOCKE AND I CANT GET OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My dad was kicking it and pushing it my mum was pushing down the handle and I could not get out.So my dad had a bright idea to get his sledge hammer and bashed it in there is a giant hole in my door AND THAT IS HOW MY DOOR LOOKS LIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, 24 February 2013
Dancing on ice
I'm relaxing on the sofa half talking to people on kik and half watching dancing on ice!!! This week is prop week! It's very interesting.
Who do you want to go through?
I want Gareth and Robin to go through. They were brilliant this week!
Who do you want to go through?
I want Gareth and Robin to go through. They were brilliant this week!
Trommrow we are all going back to school ! I kind of want to go back to school to see my friends and . But also I want to stay at home because it's the holidays and in the holidays I have had such fun ,like not having to get dressed until about nine !!!! Anyway see you all trommrow!
Maggie diaries
Hello, I'm maggie!
Today I stuffed a sausage in Georgia's mouth... She wasn't very happy but I thought she'd like breakfast. Mummy went to pick Freya up from Anna's house, whilst I watched Georgia play 'just dance' on a thing they call a 'Wii' I ran upstairs and slept on mummies bed for a little while. I woke up snatched Freya's scone and got up to some mischief around the house ... Georgia taught me some tricks and I had a bath (I hate baths!) me and Georgia relaxed on the sofa...
Today I stuffed a sausage in Georgia's mouth... She wasn't very happy but I thought she'd like breakfast. Mummy went to pick Freya up from Anna's house, whilst I watched Georgia play 'just dance' on a thing they call a 'Wii' I ran upstairs and slept on mummies bed for a little while. I woke up snatched Freya's scone and got up to some mischief around the house ... Georgia taught me some tricks and I had a bath (I hate baths!) me and Georgia relaxed on the sofa...
I am holding a funeral today because this bird got eaten by a cat and there is feathers all over the garden sad very sad.
My nanny is going on holiday to tenerife and I am going to her today to drop of her birthday car of because it is her birthday when she is a way. She laves on this Monday and she has dogs so they are going in the kennels .
Saturday, 23 February 2013
To Hillside..
Hi, Darci here... I really miss you guys. To all the year sixes: I hope to see you soon in Lynn Grove.
Darci Newsham is sleeping round tonight, we are watching High School Musical... Laugh out loud!
We are in our onesies...
We are in our onesies...
I'm at my sister Darsie's house in Norwich and she has a cat called Belle. She is SO vicious, she attacked my sisters foot! One day she went outside for the loo, she came back in and... WIPED HER BUM ON THE FLOOR!!!! (Kind of like a bum shuffle dance!)
Here are some pictures of Belle.
One picture is her getting ready to pounce on me!
The other one is of her taking a breather on the floor,
The last one is of Belle looking in my sister Nicola's handbag (she's not particularly happy with that!)
The last one is a close up, I'm lucky she didn't pounce on me!!
Here are some pictures of Belle.
One picture is her getting ready to pounce on me!
The other one is of her taking a breather on the floor,
The last one is of Belle looking in my sister Nicola's handbag (she's not particularly happy with that!)
The last one is a close up, I'm lucky she didn't pounce on me!!
Maggie diaries
I might start this thing called maggie diaries that are from maggies point of view , please comment any more ideas xxxxxxx
Uh oh...
I'm left alone in the house while mum drops Freya off at Anna's party... But the point is, I'm left with..........
Oh noooooo
Oh noooooo
I am a winner I won at bowling my score was 102 I beat my brother haha my team was william jake henry my self henry come second william come therd and jake come last
Good news
Guess what?
I JUST GOT A BLUE PETER BADGE!!!!!! It's a bit of a long story but a few moths ago (last year)
me and Millie Roper did some fundraising... We made lemonade - ourselves - and sold them in my driveway. We also collected all our old books together and sold them too! I have mine but Millie's is yet to come.......
I JUST GOT A BLUE PETER BADGE!!!!!! It's a bit of a long story but a few moths ago (last year)
me and Millie Roper did some fundraising... We made lemonade - ourselves - and sold them in my driveway. We also collected all our old books together and sold them too! I have mine but Millie's is yet to come.......
Last night
We went to the harvester for a meal out when we came back we had London cheese cake mmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
home work diary's
make sure you singned your home work diary's and read because we don't want to be getting told of and staying in to tetention so make sure you have one all of your home work
I,ve got a new P.E kit it is pink and all fluffy I got it from sports £.6 for the top and £.6 for the bottom so when we get back to school I wont be cold.
We went swimming with my brother and emily that was a fun day I hope you three did 2
This morning
I fell out of bed with a crazy hair style I was cold because my cover came of and that is how I got out of bed.
Today I am going with the scouts to regent bowl and we have to play as a team but we have some good people that can through the ball are name of the team is lions. my best friend is going and her name is called ebony not to funny or take the mick she is a dwarf.
Friday, 22 February 2013
You must see this
By Isabella and Eleanor
What is wrong with these cats!!!!!!!!!!
Please watch this and if you find this funny comment.
Please watch this and if you find this funny comment.
Shape Poems
My class of year 3 children have been learning about shape poetry. They got in to teams and then produced some highly entertaining and emotive poems, covering volcanoes, clouds, thunder and lightning, muffins, fireworks and flowers. I hope you enjoy them too!
Brownies! Part two!
Hi again guys, the brownies have come out of the oven and they look scrumptious!!
Please comment to say what dessert you like best! A bit random but I will see if I can make it!
Our brownies: delicious!!
Please comment to say what dessert you like best! A bit random but I will see if I can make it!
Our brownies: delicious!!
Hi guys, what have you been up to today? I have been making brownies with my nanny and we might make meringue later!!
I will take another picture once they have come out of the oven and if we make meringue, I will take a picture of them as well!
Here are our brownies in the oven:
I will take another picture once they have come out of the oven and if we make meringue, I will take a picture of them as well!
Here are our brownies in the oven:
Nanna and Grandad x
Last night I stayed round my Nanna and Grandad's house. Today I woke up and had 4 pancakes and ended up watching Just Henry, it's a really good film! Me and Grandad made a lemon drizzle cake then Freya made a Victoria sponge, also Nanna and Freya are making fruit scones. We are going out for dinner at the Foxburrow pub. Then we will either play Monopoly or watch another film! Grandad has lit a fire and it's very cosy and warm. Nanna had a blood test and when she took the plaster off I squirmed becase I dont like anything to do with blood!!
Thursday, 21 February 2013
My brother Jake went to his friends WILLIAMS he slept there the night how cool but when he came home he moaned at me
The water in the house is really not going well the pipe out side there is loads of water coming out :(
Mr Loome wants you guys to keep blogging I'm like the only one that keeps blogging so please because he puts a lot of effort to this and he is the best teacher in the world because Jake annison is really getting on well at Lynn Grove thanks to MR LOOME
Mothers day
For mothers day I am going on web sight and I have saved my money up for it so it can come to our house happy mothers day to the mummy's out there.
My teeth keep coming out there is loads of blood every where I just can not bleave it
Me and Emily Martins and Evie Cooper are going to the phoenix if any one is interested we would like to see you there don't know what time ok
Today I went to Drama to practise for our show Babe which is in April !!!! The dates for Babe are the11th until the 13th . We were at Drama for six hours I had to wait for a while till it was my part ! After Drama my cousin Tamzin came round for tea she is here now !!
"Bond, James Bond."
Last night, me and my mum had a girly night. We watched a film on the sofa and ate a few sweeties. We watched Skyfall... BEST FILM EVER!! It was so good I could watch it 100,000 times more!
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
I pod
Today I changed my password for my I pod I got a bit worried because I forgot what it was so my brother said reset it but I could not because you needed the password I am happy because I can remember it now
I went swimming with my brother (Jake.A) William.T Elkie.M we had a fun time but the the life guard was making me laugh he got a cup of water and pored it over my head plus he kept pulling funny faces at me hahaha
Today we are making pizzas I made my pizza in to a fish they where yummy
Gardening Club
Here are the seeds and bulbs I bought today.If anyone has any spare seeds, bulbs, pots and seed trays their parenets don't want any more please bring them in as we can use them. Remember gardening is on a Wednesday and Friday lunchtime with Mrs Coulam, Mrs Trentham and myself.
Gardening club
Today I have been and bought some seeds and bulbs from the Garden Center ready for you gardeners out there to plant when we go back to school.
It didn't mention that on the packet... 100wc
"AHHHHH!" I heard deafening screams coming from the kitchen. I sprinted down the stairs, my heart was thumping rapidly, It was nearly in my mouth. I scurried into the old, decaying kitchen dreading what was to come. I found my mother laying on the concrete floor, lifeless and ruby red. Perched beside her was a flapjack, half bitten and spat out. Then it hit me, I could faintly identify a nut, two nuts, three nuts. I immediately called 911 and they rushed Mom into the ambulance. Just before shutting the doors, Mom muttered "it didn't mention that on the packet."
By Elise.
By Elise.
Oh no!!!!
Today I woke up to myself having a disastrous bed head and to top that off, really small puffy eyes!!!! Oh no...
Tuesday, 19 February 2013
Retro skate
I hope everyone had a good time at retro skate because me and Rhiannon did.It was so fun with out our mums/ dad with us.Also mine and Rhiannon's feet were killing us after we left.
Tonight molly is sleeping round mine its going to be so fun we are going to have a mid night feast yum yum
Yesterday I went up Norwich to watch High School Rocks. I went with Grace her Mum and my Mum. We sat down and in the first half an hour we walked out. :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
Monday, 18 February 2013
I am going round Emily's tomorrow I might be going swimming I just cant wait so I hope we have fun
Retro skate
Hope every on had a good time at retro skate and I staid till 11 till 4 and after Emilia and I went round Mackenzie's thanks to people that took part in this a vent and a many thanks to Evie Cooper because she diced it thanks BFF
Retro Skate
Today Me , Molly , Evie c , Katie , Emilia , Mackenzie , Katie's brother , Georgia , Georgia s sister , Elise , Millie and Eleanor all went to retro skate it was so fun
we all enjoyed it :) hopefully
Retro skate
Oh my!!!!
I've had the best time skating today as half the girls in the class (Freya and jake too!) I was there for exactly 2 hours and 10 minutes! This boy had a massive temper tantrum in the middle of the rink also he kept swearing! Anyway... Here is a few of us but Molly and Rhiannon were somewhere else when we did this!
I've had the best time skating today as half the girls in the class (Freya and jake too!) I was there for exactly 2 hours and 10 minutes! This boy had a massive temper tantrum in the middle of the rink also he kept swearing! Anyway... Here is a few of us but Molly and Rhiannon were somewhere else when we did this!
Me and Freya!
Me and Freya (my sister) are very warm in our beds as we now have electric blankets!!! By the way we are around our dads house. Here is what we look like:
Sunday, 17 February 2013
Potential VLE Closure
Hi everyone, there is a warning on the log in page that the VLE (google tools) will be closed for Monday and Tuesday as the Norfolk technical people are making changes. So if you try to log in to the VLE on these days and you can't, don't worry, it will be back on Wednesday! Mr Brown
What time is everybody going skating tomorrow???
Also what time are you leaving???
Pleeease comment the answers as soon as possible if not I can't go x
What time is everybody going skating tomorrow???
Also what time are you leaving???
Pleeease comment the answers as soon as possible if not I can't go x
Yesterday I went round Katie's we went up Gorlston seafront and had an icecream . After we came back from the sefront we went up the Park and wes saw Kyle and Adam . When we came back me and Katie played for alittle while . Then it was tea we had bacon , hash browns , beans toast and scramble egg ! It was lovely .At 6: 15pm I had to go home but Katie is coming round mine on Tuesday!
Saturday, 16 February 2013
Mamma Mia
I'm sitting on the sofa like I'm in a cocoon! In addition I'm watching mamma Mia. It's really good even though I've seen it loads of times!
Nanny Val
As you may have heard, my Nanny Val was 70 on valentines day!
Everyone seems to now know her and you properly know know what her favourite colour is!
Well, this is a test to see if you do know her! Please tell me her favourite colour!
My Nanny is now famous at school! YAY! 😸
I will be doing a lot of these so keep your ears open for anymore information that say about her!
Everyone seems to now know her and you properly know know what her favourite colour is!
Well, this is a test to see if you do know her! Please tell me her favourite colour!
My Nanny is now famous at school! YAY! 😸
I will be doing a lot of these so keep your ears open for anymore information that say about her!
I am watching cbbc at the same time tucking in to the biscuits YUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Jake Annison
My Bother Jake is going to cherchels place in hemsbey .I think that he is going to have fun because he is leaving at 7.00 clock and comes back a 5.00 clock hope he has fun
Friday, 15 February 2013
I am on this game called candy crush. It is great me and my mum sit in bed at 9.00 pm playing it in till 9.30 pm. My mum is so good, Mackenzie is always at the top, I try to beat her but I just can't she is too good. WHY IS SHE SO GOOD WHY.
:o :o :o :o :o :o
We have just been to the Indian restaurant. It was lovely. My favourite curry is chicken Korma. Yummy yum yum. What is your favourite curry please comment. And if you were wondering I had no staples in my sorbet, I had sorbet this time i don't get put off much. My sobet was so posh because it came in a frozen orange how cool.
Indian restaurant
Tonight me, my mum, my dad and my brother (Billy) are going to a Indian restaurant for dinner yum. Last time I went at the bottom of my bowl of sorbet there was staples I still ate the sorbet it was yummy.
My fish are really good because they all ways eat there dinner and plus they must get dizzy because they swim in there bowl all day and in the dark I think that they are glow in the dark. This sounds weird because they chase each other and they swim together they are little angels
When I was little about 1 month I was in my Moses basket and my mum left me, just to get something from up stairs. When my brother took me out of my Moses basket and went through to the living room. My mum came down to come and got me when she noticed I was gone. Then she went through to the living room and saw my brother with me.
If you were wondering if my mum told my brother off no she did not. She was happy that he was looking after me. :) :) :) :)
A week of
While we are off Emily should be coming round mine tomorrow and on Tuesday I am going round hers on Wednesday I am going swimming with Elkie on monday if you are interested loads of us are going to retro you are all welcome bye
Listen to these jokes
Q: How do polar bears dress in the winter? X
Q:Where do pigs park their cars? X
A:In a car pork
Q:Where do you find a giant snail? X
A:At the end of giants' fingers
what the earth they have to be the worst
jokes ever considering they are on yogurts
Q: How do polar bears dress in the winter? X
Q:Where do pigs park their cars? X
A:In a car pork
Q:Where do you find a giant snail? X
A:At the end of giants' fingers
what the earth they have to be the worst
jokes ever considering they are on yogurts
My mum, as some of you know, makes cakes for people... She's just finished making a cake for a boy called Archie. Here is a picture of Archie's cake. I think it's really good and cartoony, please comment if you like my mums cake xx
Valentines day
As you know yesterday was valentines day!
Who got a valentines card?
I didn't :(
Who got a valentines card?
I didn't :(
Thursday, 14 February 2013
Today I went to the athletics copotition with...... Evie.c, Jodie.B, Emily.M, Hannah.W, Georgia.W, Toby.S, Taylor.A, Taylor.I, Max.H, Fabien.Y, Joshua.K and maybe some other people. I cant remember if anyone else went but we came 4th yay 2nd from last that might not sound very good but we are all proud of our self's.
Hillside Heroes
A massive well done to the cross country team. We are all so incredibly proud of you for battling the freezing cold wind. You are all Hillside heroes!
I've attempted to get into my baby cousins (Toby!) car thingy ma jiggy!
It's very small and I could get out for at least half an hour!!!!
It's very small and I could get out for at least half an hour!!!!
The other day, Freya found some old pants that didn't fit her anymore! So mum had a strange idea of putting them on our dog!!!!! She looked absolutely ridiculous, eventually we took them off her as it was annoying her tail. I can't believe we did that!!?!
Mad hair!!
As most of you know I had my hair up in a messy bun today, when I got home from school, i took it out and... POOF! It looked like I had an Afro! I brushed it down but then it went fuzzier... HELPPPP!
Hello, Georgia again! Just saying that me, Millie and Elise are celebrating lent! I'm giving up lollipops (I've got a massive jar of them also I absolutely loove them!!)
Elise is giving up pasta ( she eats it just about every day!!) And finally Millie is giving up chocolate (I'm surprised she didn't give a valentines card to it!!)
So I was just asking if anyone else is celebrating lent, what are you giving up, and why?
Please comment x
Elise is giving up pasta ( she eats it just about every day!!) And finally Millie is giving up chocolate (I'm surprised she didn't give a valentines card to it!!)
So I was just asking if anyone else is celebrating lent, what are you giving up, and why?
Please comment x
What is every one having for tea I am having chilly then I am going to my aunties for her birthday
One day
One day there was a girl called pinky dinky doo she was doing pancakes she flipped it in the air ............. what happened next please comment
cross country
Good luck for every one that has gorn to the cross country thing hope that you win make sure non of you fall over
I got told the other night that I am going to London on the 30th of march. We are going on the train there and we are looking where I have never been please comment
The coastguard visited us at scouts last night we did rope knots for a boat and a cliff then we had are tuck.Later on I got to go on a water stretcher and a boat. bed this is so cool please comment
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
Indoor Athletics Final
I got home at about 7pm this evening after attending the East Norfolk Schools Indoor Athletics Final. It has been a long day and I am glad to be home but am very proud of the children who represented Hillside this afternoon. It was a very tough final with Moorlands, Edward Worlledge, Ormesby and Cliff Park in attendance at Lynn Grove. We arrived here after winning our semi-final in November with Moorlands from our competition finishing as best runners-up across the four semi-final competitions.
When I woke up this morning I must admit I was confident that we could win or come close to winning and to be honest was getting excited that we may get the opportunity to represent East Norfolk in the Winter Games tournament in March in Norwich. However, it was not to be our night tonight and we came up against some excellent opposition.
A few illnesses and injuries weakened us a little but the athletes who went more than made up for this and worked their hardest, often being put in for races at the shortest notice.
Hannah couldn't be with us tonight due to illness so Jodie did a great job filling in for her in the dreaded Paarlauf race which is made up of 6 laps raced in pairs. Hannah Woolley came in to make her debut and was obstructed in her first race but finished with pride. Unfortunately, she didn't get the place she deserved. Toby took Taylor's place in the boys Paarlauf and ran a great race with Josh on very short notice. Georgia jumped in to the obstacle race after 'rolly-polly-gate' filling in for Emily who was insistent that she couldn't do a rolly-polly, even though she did one in the semi-final! Max ran well following his illness, you wouldn't have known that he had been off school for a week.
I could go on to mention everybody but I would like to say I am incredibly proud of all the athletes and thankful to all the parents for their support they give in all the sporting events we undertake.
There is no need to be disappointed with fifth place tonight as it is fifth place out of around 20 schools in East Norfolk. Ormesby deserved their win today but we will be back next year and ready to go again. Despite some dodgy refereeing and measuring and some less than desirable coaching by other parties, the children didn't complain once, even though I did, and they were as gracious in defeat tonight as they were in victory when we won the semi-final as few months ago. Well done Hillside, we are all proud of you.
When I woke up this morning I must admit I was confident that we could win or come close to winning and to be honest was getting excited that we may get the opportunity to represent East Norfolk in the Winter Games tournament in March in Norwich. However, it was not to be our night tonight and we came up against some excellent opposition.
A few illnesses and injuries weakened us a little but the athletes who went more than made up for this and worked their hardest, often being put in for races at the shortest notice.
Hannah couldn't be with us tonight due to illness so Jodie did a great job filling in for her in the dreaded Paarlauf race which is made up of 6 laps raced in pairs. Hannah Woolley came in to make her debut and was obstructed in her first race but finished with pride. Unfortunately, she didn't get the place she deserved. Toby took Taylor's place in the boys Paarlauf and ran a great race with Josh on very short notice. Georgia jumped in to the obstacle race after 'rolly-polly-gate' filling in for Emily who was insistent that she couldn't do a rolly-polly, even though she did one in the semi-final! Max ran well following his illness, you wouldn't have known that he had been off school for a week.
I could go on to mention everybody but I would like to say I am incredibly proud of all the athletes and thankful to all the parents for their support they give in all the sporting events we undertake.
There is no need to be disappointed with fifth place tonight as it is fifth place out of around 20 schools in East Norfolk. Ormesby deserved their win today but we will be back next year and ready to go again. Despite some dodgy refereeing and measuring and some less than desirable coaching by other parties, the children didn't complain once, even though I did, and they were as gracious in defeat tonight as they were in victory when we won the semi-final as few months ago. Well done Hillside, we are all proud of you.
Sunday, 10 February 2013
I feel really sad because I asked Daniel out and he said NO and he did not speak to me after that so do not say any thing at school about it please comment
oops we have got hardly any water and are cold water tap is bringing out nothing and are washing machine is doing hardly any thing it is just bleeping and answering back at my mum we only can get hot water and that is n good i feel really poor
Friday, 8 February 2013
Wow the disco was amazing!
My face is burning like mad and I was dancing all night. Shame they didn't put the song me,Elise and Millie made a dance routine for :(
Toby got called a 'cool dude' as he walked strange!!! Eleanor kept 'milking it' as Kev said and also Kev wore milies glasses and elises hat!!!! i had a brilliant time doing cottoneyejoe with the just dance routine. im also sleeping round elises tomorrow AND seeing my nanna,grandad,aunty nic(nicola), uncle ric(richard) and of corse my baby cousin TOBYYYYY! also at the disco, There was a lot of falling ins and falling outs but that's what makes life! Please comment any more memories in the disco, thank you xxxxxxxx
My face is burning like mad and I was dancing all night. Shame they didn't put the song me,Elise and Millie made a dance routine for :(
Toby got called a 'cool dude' as he walked strange!!! Eleanor kept 'milking it' as Kev said and also Kev wore milies glasses and elises hat!!!! i had a brilliant time doing cottoneyejoe with the just dance routine. im also sleeping round elises tomorrow AND seeing my nanna,grandad,aunty nic(nicola), uncle ric(richard) and of corse my baby cousin TOBYYYYY! also at the disco, There was a lot of falling ins and falling outs but that's what makes life! Please comment any more memories in the disco, thank you xxxxxxxx
Thursday, 7 February 2013
Oh no!
Ive sort of lost my voice, I have no idea how and it will probably be better soon x bye
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
Footie Tournament
I was really guttered when I heard about the football tournament because I was really looking forward to it.
I hope we will enter another tournament.:)
I hope we will enter another tournament.:)
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
red nose day
My birthday is on red nose day can not believe this or is it just me for some reasons I am in a party mood don't know why plus you need to know this I love LITTLE MIX
watch this
WOW that looks like this is painful.What do you think please comment
Tell me...PLEASE!!!
Yours sincerely
Elise xx
Have I changed?
![]() |
This is me when I was about three! |
And then, this is me when I was ten!!! Do you think i have changed? Comment if you do! |
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